Friday, February 21, 2025

  Allen Sports Association

 950 E. Main St, Allen TX 75002

 Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon-Fri

Office:  (972) 727-9565

Fax:  (972) 727-9765

Code of Conduct

The Uniform Code of Conduct (UCC) is designed and implemented to support the overall mission of ASA to ensure the well being and safety of those whom the association serves:  our children.  The UCC is applicable to all ASA sports programs and provides guidelines for behavior and responsibilities to players, parents, volunteers, coaches, and spectators.  The following four areas of emphasis are highlighted:

I.     Youth Protection / Child Abuse

II.    Sportsmanship

III.   Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs

IV.   Safety and Health

V.    Fairness and Honesty

The Board and Executive Director of ASA aim to expose children to a variety of sports within a fun and safe atmosphere.  ASA hopes that providing these opportunities will foster a deeper appreciation for sports and maintains that adherence to the UCC will assist in the achievement of this goal.  For questions or comments regarding the Uniform Code of Conduct, please contact the Sports Commissioner for the sport in which you are registering. 


ASA maintains a zero-tolerance policy when it concerns child abuse.  Abuse in sports is defined as any action taken by an adult which results in the direct or indirect physical and/or emotional harm to a child.  Abusive behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

a.  Physical – a grab, strike, shove, spank, shake, slap, excessive exercise, or denial of water as means of punishment.

b.  Verbal – any spoken words that humiliate, degrade, and/or threaten;  including swearing, name calling, hurtful comments regarding performance and/or overall appearance of a player.

c.  Sexual – any sexually implicit or explicit touching, exposure, or comment.

d.  Mental – conveyance of unrealistic expectations of a child (i.e. winning every game, never making a mistake, performing like

a pro, etc.)


Texas law requires that all citizens report the suspected abuse or neglect of a child

to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services ( ) and/or to their local law enforcement

agency.   Participants in ASA programs should understand that allegations of abuse are taken seriously and that ASA will not

only report such allegations, but will also cooperate with law enforcement in the investigation of such reports.


An allegation of abuse will result in the immediate suspension of the accused individual(s) pending notification of the proper legal authorities and an investigation by the Board.  Status of the suspension may be changed by a

unanimous vote of the Board.  All volunteers for ASA will be subject to a background investigation which includes a criminal records check.  Additional information on youth protection can be obtained at your sport’s Parents 

Meeting which convenes at the onset of each season.


ASA’s stance on good sportsmanship is secondary only to its emphasis on child safety.  Each player, parent, coach and spectator shares a responsibility to practice good sportsmanship to allow for increased enjoyment and competition for all. 

Players will in large part follow the example of parents and coaches; however, they are equally accountable for their own behavior.  Players in ASA sports will:

•  display a positive attitude on both the practice and game fields

•  arrive ready to play with the proper equipment as identified for each sport

•  demonstrate respect to coaches, officials, and other players at all times

•  abstain from the use of vulgar, obscene, offensive, or derogatory comments or gestures

•  not argue with an official if a call is disputable

•  promptly attend all practices and games

•  show respect to other participants without regard to race, religion, nationality, or gender

•  report any UCC violation and/or abuse allegation to a trusted adult

Parents and spectators are models for our children and our players.  It is critical that all parents demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.  Parents, guardians, and guests of ASA participants will:

•  follow those standards set forth above for players as applicable

•  not embarrass a participant by yelling or reprimanding any player, coach, official, or other parent or spectator

•  know the rules of the game and support the officials on and off the field

•  applaud effort in both victory and defeat

•  help to provide a safe and fun environment for the participants

•  remember that the game is for the kids, not the adults

•  know the whereabouts of your children (see Safety and Health)

•  inform the coach and/or officials of any special health considerations pertaining to your child(ren) prior to participation

•  report any UCC violation and/or abuse allegation to ASA as well as the appropriate authorities (see Section I Youth Protection/Child Abuse)

Coaches have the ability to instill lifelong memories into the framework of our children’s lives; incumbently, they must conduct themselves with the highest of standards when it comes to maintaining the safety and well being of our children.   ASA coaches will:

•  avoid any circumstance which places them alone with a child other than their own

•  maintain a playing environment that is safe

•  incorporate and ensure frequent water breaks as needed

•  remain aware of any special considerations regarding members of the team

•  provide consistent communication to all players and parents

•  obtain the necessary coaching licenses and/or certifications applicable to the sport

•  adhere to the City of Allen Field Use Guidelines

•  adhere to all rules pertaining to ASA practice and game participation

•  treat ALL players equally, with respect to playing time, mentoring, and enthusiasm

•  be responsible for the conduct of his/her players, as well as his/her team’s parents and spectators at all times

•  submit to a criminal background check and meet all coaching requirements as defined by ASA

•  report any UCC violation and/or abuse allegation to ASA as well as the appropriate authorities (see Youth Protection/Child Abuse)


III. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs

The use of alcohol, tobacco, and/or illegal drugs by players, coaches, volunteers, parents and spectators during any ASA

sponsored event is prohibited.  Consuming alcohol and/or using drugs prior to an ASA event which causes the user to be

impaired while at the event is also prohibited.  Violations of this policy will result in an immediate suspension from participation

in ASA activities pending a review by the Board and/or Ethics Committee.  Coaches, volunteers, parents and spectators should

remember they are role models for our youth and their actions should be congruent with ASA’s philosophy. 


IV. Safety and Health

ASA regards safety and health as top priority.  The following guidelines should be observed by coaches and volunteers as precautionary measures to ensure the physical safety and well being of ASA participants:

•  inspect all fields and courts prior to any practice or game

•  utilize equipment that is ASA approved, age-appropriate, and free from any defect

•  ensure children have access to plenty of water

•  stop any practice or game in which weather conditions pose a hazard

•  provide basic first aid as needed

•  discourage violent play 

•  follow coaching guidelines set forth by each sport

•  keep practice times within the recommended guidelines

•  notify ASA and your local law enforcement agency of any predatory activity associated with ASA sponsored events


¬ Parents are urged to be aware of the potential dangers of child predators within our communities.  Please be vigilant in monitoring your children at practices and games.  A parental escort should be provided when kids go to the restrooms, concession stands, and/or other facilities that are long distances from the game vicinities.  The primary responsibility for the well being of your child(ren) on and off the field lies with the parent/guardian, so please be proactive in watching over your loved ones.  A list of registered sex offenders in your area may be accessed online at the following website:


V. Fairness and Honesty

ASA believes the sports environment is highly conducive to teaching children fairness and honesty.   These virtues must be

present in every aspect of our roles as coaches, parents and volunteers, including:


·         Managing team finances

·         Adequate playing time for all players, according to the individual sport’s rules

·         Prioritizing the spirit of the game over the outcome on the scoreboard

·         Following the rules of the game

·         Strive to develop all players, regardless of talent level

·         Encourage and acknowledge sportsmanship and good play by all players, regardless of team