Friday, February 21, 2025

  Allen Sports Association

 950 E. Main St, Allen TX 75002

 Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon-Fri

Office:  (972) 727-9565

Fax:  (972) 727-9765

Financial Aid Information


Deadlines for receiving financial aid forms are generally 2 weeks prior to the close of regular registration. This means that all forms should be in the office by this time.You will also notice that each sport will indicate the financial aid deadline on its specific page. If the financial aid deadline has passed, funds will have been distributed and will no longer be available. It is imperative that you turn your forms in before the deadline to receive any assistance.


  • Baseball - Spring 2015               TBD
  • Basketball - Winter 14/15          TBD
  • Cheerleading - Fall 2015            TBD
  • Football - Spring 2015                TBD
  • Lacrosse - Spring 2015               TBD
  • Inline Hockey - Spring 2015       TBD
  • Soccer - Spring 2015                  TBD
  • Softball - Spring 2015                 TBD
  • Track - Summer 2015                  TBD
  • Volleyball - Spring 2015             TBD



To be eligible for financial aid several requirements must be met:

1. The player must live in and be a resident of Allen, Lucas or Fairvew (Residency documentation required)
2. The
Application for Financial Aid must be submitted (including all supporting documentation) before the financial aid deadline
3. Certain income/need requirements must be met as determined by the ASA Ethics Committee
4. All approved financial aid recipients will be required to pay a minimum $50 fee (per player) regardless of financial need.

Uniforms and Equipment are not included if approved for financial aid. Financial aid only covers the registration fee.

*Applicants must re-apply each season for financial aid.

Please review the rules included in the Application for Financial Aid for futher instruction.


Financial Aid Form